Similar to a farm CSA [Community Supported Agriculture], KESIENA engages with her community to support her work in a way that sustains her artistic practice throughout the year. In exchange for members of the community purchasing an artwork upfront, 2-4 months later, KESIENA provides an original artwork for a discounted price.
Previously through her CSA project, KESIENA has offered artworks from her Survibrant series, Mercurial Blooms series and Yo Word to the Mutha series artwork. Often times, being apart of the CSA allows for a more collaborative approach to creating the artwork, with members having the ability to collaborate on color palette choice and material details.
KESIENA’s offering of the CSA project, is the only way to get any discount of her artwork, as KESIENA does not engage in traditional discounted sales. Re-affirming that her artwork is not a commodity. Thanks to your generosity and patience, the CSA continues to grow! Details for the next CSA will be announced shortly.
In exchange for paying a discounted price up front you will receive a “share” for an original artwork, which you then receive in 2-4 months [oftentimes less, but sometimes possibly more]. Shares will be filled in the order they are received, so it is a possibility that you will have yours within a much shorter time. KESIENA’s studio will be in touch about timing and color choices within a week of your purchase.